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Hartford Burglary Defense Attorneys

Strong defense after theft and burglary charges in Manchester and Hartford, CT

When most people hear the words “burglary” or “burglar,” they probably get a picture in their head of a person dressed in all black, breaking into a home in the middle of the night, and stealing jewelry, cash and electronics. Although this is sometimes true, the legal definition of burglary crimes has become much more layered and complex over the years.

Burglary can happen during the day, at night, in a residential home, in a business or warehouse – anywhere a person enters unlawfully. Additionally, people often confuse the terms “burglary” and “robbery,” which can cause confusion about the specifics of an alleged theft crime. If you’ve been arrested and charged with burglary, experienced attorneys can explain the details of the charges against you.

The Hartford criminal defense attorneys at Barry, Taylor & Levesque, LLC defend a wide variety of clients facing charges of burglary, robbery, home invasion, and other theft crimes. Our record of success means we put our knowledge and skill to work for you, negotiating with authorities and prosecution for the best possible outcome for your case. Our only goal is to either mitigate the charges against you or have them dropped altogether. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

What kind of crime is burglary?

Here in Hartford and across the state, burglary, robbery and home invasion, and theft all fall under the umbrella of larceny. The difference between the three depend on how the act of taking property was committed. Burglary involves entering a residence or building with the intent to commit a crime or larceny. Robbery, on the other hand, involves the use of a weapon while committing a larceny. Many people state their home was robbed when it was actually burglarized.

Under CGS § 53a-101, the broad definition of burglary is when a person unlawfully enters (or remains) in a building with the intent to commit a crime. Each specific part of the statute spells out the details of the various penalties and levels of offenses a person may be charged with upon arrest. Burglary, unlike robbery, isn’t considered a violent crime. However, if another individual is harmed as the result of the burglary, or if a weapon is present, the charges can be aggravated and severe penalties added upon conviction.


Extremely Grateful
"I had the pleasure of working with Anthony Spinella on an unfortunate criminal matter and am extremely grateful for the prearrest and pretrial defense. Thanks to Attorney Spinella, I was granted AR."

Nicky M.

Professionally Compassionate
"I also wanted to share how impressed I was with Briana. She is professionally compassionate and has been an amazing resource with putting my mind at ease during such stressful times."

Nicky M.

Penalties and sentences for burglary in Hartford

Here in CT, burglary charges are felonies – serious charges that can stay on your criminal record and affect your personal and professional reputation forever. It’s imperative you have legal representation on your side to keep your record clean.

Potential penalties for a burglary conviction, by degree, can include:

  • Burglary in the first degree. First-degree burglary occurs when a person unlawfully enters or remains in a building with intent to commit a crime and is armed with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, or in the course of committing the offense inflicts, or attempts to inflict, physical harm on anyone, or if a person unlawfully enters or remains in a dwelling at night with intent to commit a crime. This is a Class B felony, which can result in sentences from a minimum of five to a maximum 20 years in prison.
  • Burglary in the second degree. Second-degree burglary occurs when a person unlawfully enters or remains in a dwelling with the intent to commit a crime, while a person other than a participant in the crime is present in the dwelling. This is a Class C felony, resulting in sentences of up to 10 years in jail.
  • Burglary in the third degree. A person is found guilty of third-degree burglary when he or she unlawfully enters or remains in a building with the intent to commit a crime. This is a Class D felony, with possible sentences of one to five years.

All of these penalties can have time added on to sentencing if there was the presence of weapons or other aggravating factors. Because of the harsh consequences of a felony conviction, having the defense lawyers at Barry, Taylor & Levesque, LLC on your side can give you the best chance for a successful outcome for your case. We dedicate ourselves to your defense, using all of the resources at our disposal to investigate your case and the charges against you.

What are burglary tools?

If you find yourself facing burglary charges here in the Hartford area, you may have heard the term “burglary tools” from authorities. Our state has specific laws against creating, possessing, or altering tools for burglary, using an object for intention to commit a crime or knowingly providing an individual with an object  he or she intends to use to commit a crime.

People often think burglary tools are obvious items like a lockpicking kit or a crowbar. However, there are other things authorities look for – some things you, as an alleged burglar, may not even realize are used for burglary tools. Just about any item a person possesses can be considered a burglary tool, if authorities decide you had the intent to commit a crime with it.

Examples of burglary tools can include:

  • Crowbars and “slim jims”
  • Explosives or torches
  • Gloves, masks, or other clothing to conceal identity
  • Hammers or screwdrivers
  • Lock picks
  • Master keys
  • Ropes

If you’ve been charged with burglary or possession of burglary tools, which is a misdemeanor crime, it’s important to contact a Hartford defense attorney before giving any kind of statement to authorities.

Is attempted burglary a crime in Hartford?

Even if an individual attempts to commit burglary and then later decides not to go through with it, he or she can still be arrested and convicted of burglary. State statute outlines burglary as the entering of premises, such as a home, retail store, or company, with the intent to commit a crime – whether the person commits the crime or not.

When you put the theft and burglary defense attorneys from Barry, Taylor & Levesque, LLC on your side, you get decades of legal experience and knowledge working for you. We negotiate with prosecution to have your charges reduced and avoid having a felony on your record, or get your charges dismissed completely. Most importantly, we protect your constitutional rights after you’ve been arrested.

Expert Hartford theft and burglary defense lawyers

At Barry, Taylor & Levesque, LLC, our criminal defense attorneys represent those accused of robbery, home invasion, and burglary crimes. If you’ve been arrested and are facing charges, we provide skilled and strategic defense. Talk to our legal team today. We’re located on W. Center Street in Manchester. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys in Hartford or Manchester, please call 860-649-4400 or fill out our contact form.